- (x, y, z), 3 dimension coordinates
- The following example generates features about (x, y, z) for MSM analysis
pacs genfeature xyz mdtraj -t 1 -tf prd.xtc -top ./trial001/cycle000/replica001/input.gro -s "residue 1 to 5"
usage: pacs genfeature xyz mdtraj [-h] [-t] [-tf] [-top] [-od OUTDIR] [-p N_PARALLEL] [-s]
-t, --trial
- trial number without 0-fill
-tf, --trj-file
- trajectory file name (ex. prd.xtc prd_rmmol.trr)
top, --topology
- topology file path (ex. .inputs/input.gro)
-od, --outdir
-p, --n_parallel
-s, --selection
- mdtraj selection extracted in trajectory