- Root Mean Square Deviation
- Calculate the RMSD relative to the structure specified in
- The following example generates features about RMSD for MSM analysis
pacs genfeature rmsd mdtraj -t 1 -tf prd.xtc -top ./inputs/input.gro -ref ./inputs/input.gro -ft "protein" -fr "protein" -ct "name CA" -cr "name CA"
usage: pacs genfeature rmsd mdtraj [-h] [-tf] [-top] [-od] [-p] [-ref] [-ft] [-fr] [-ct] [-cr]
-t, --trial
- trial number without 0-fill
-tf, --trj-file
- trajectory file name (ex. prd.xtc prd_rmmol.trr)
-top, --topology
- topology file path (ex. .inputs/input.gro)
-od, --outdir
-p, --n_parallel
-ref, --reference
- reference file path for fitting/RMSD calculation
-ft, --fit-trj
- mdtraj selection for fitting in trajectory
-fr, --fit-ref
- mdtraj selection for fitting in reference
-ct, --cal-trj
- mdtraj selection for calculating RMSD in trajectory
-cr, --cal-ref
- mdtraj selection for calculating RMSD in reference